Interpersonal Competence Questionnaire (ICQ) Quiz
If you discover your classmate cheating on an exam, what would you do?
If you find a wallet with a large amount of cash on a deserted street, what would you do?
If your friend asks you to help them cheat at work, what would you do?
Do you believe laws should be followed in all circumstances?
Interpersonal Competence Questionnaire (ICQ) Quiz
If you're working for a company and its policies conflict with your personal values, what would you do?
If you see someone publicly discriminating against another person, what would you do?
If you have the chance to obtain an irresistible product or service for free, but doing so is illegal, what would you do?
If you're in a team project and one member isn't doing one's work, what would you do?
If your friend confides in you a secret they shouldn't have shared, what would you do?
If you are working on a project that requires sacrificing the natural environment for financial gain, what would you do?
If you see someone abusing an animal, what would you do?
If you have the opportunity to gain a promotion through unethical means, what would you do?
Androphobia Test - Fear of Men Quiz
If your friend asks you to keep a harmful lie, what would you do?
If you see misinformation on social media, what would you do?
If you find yourself in a situation where you must sacrifice personal values for team harmony, what would you do?
Do I Like Him? Quiz