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Which Chocolate Dessert Are You?


When traveling with friends, what do you usually do?

Plan the trip so everyone has fun.

Enjoy the trip fully and try new things.

Take photos to remember the good times.

Focus on comfort by picking nice places to stay and travel.

Just go with the flow and support friends emotionally.


When you get a late-night call from a friend wanting to chat, you would:

Talk with them even if you're tired.

Feel a bit annoyed but stay on the call.

Tell them you need to go to sleep.

Try to chat while falling asleep.

Be upset that they called so late.


When you have trouble making a choice, you usually:

Write down the pros and cons and think it through.

Ask friends for their advice.

Trust your gut feeling and decide.

Try a few options to see what works.

Take your time to think before deciding.


When your phone updates to a new version, you would:

Test it right away to explore the new features.

Wait and see what others say about it first.

Look for tutorials to learn how to use it.

Skip the update because you don't want to learn anything new.


After finishing an important task, you usually:

Celebrate and enjoy the success.

Think about what you learned during the process.

Take a break to relax and recharge.

Share what you learned to help others.


When preparing an important document, what do you think is most important?

Make sure it looks professional with the right format.

Ensure the information is accurate.

Use clear language to make it easy to read.

Keep the information safe and private.

Backup the document to avoid losing it.

Submit it on time to prevent delays.


If a friend invites you to see a movie you're not interested in, you would:

Say no directly because you don't want to waste time.

Hesitate and find a reason to decline.

Agree to go to avoid letting them down, even if you're not interested.

Suggest a different movie that you like.

Check reviews first; if they are good, you might go.

Be open to the experience; it could be enjoyable.


On your way to the airport, if you realize you forgot something important, you would:

Go back home to get it, even if it's a hassle.

Try to find a store nearby to buy a replacement.

Think it's okay and proceed with your trip.

Keep going but feel frustrated about forgetting it.

Borrow it from someone else traveling with you.