Which Instant Noodle Flavor Are You? Quiz
I find it difficult to calm down
I feel my mouth getting dry
I feel like I can no longer experience any pleasant or comfortable feelings
I feel difficulty breathing (e.g., feeling short of breath or unable to catch my breath even when not doing physical activity)
Which Instant Noodle Flavor Are You? Quiz
I find it very hard to start working on tasks
I tend to react sensitively to things
I feel trembling (e.g., shaky hands)
I feel mentally exhausted
Which Genie Will You Meet? Quiz
I worry about situations that might cause panic or embarrassment
I feel there is nothing to look forward to in the future
I feel restless and uneasy
I find it very hard to relax
Snowflake Test Quiz
I feel depressed and down
I cannot tolerate anything that hinders my work progress
I feel like I'm about to have a panic attack
I cannot get enthusiastic about anything
What Kind of Eating Partner Are You? Quiz
I feel like I don't fit in with others
I notice that I easily get angry
I notice irregular heartbeats even without obvious physical exertion
I feel fearful for no apparent reason
I feel life is meaningless
Myers-Briggs: Are You Thinking Or Feeling? Quiz