Abandoned Factory Personality Quiz
Do you consider yourself to have excellent execution skills?
How do you view the social strategy of "speaking like a human to humans and like a ghost to ghosts"?
When angry, can you quickly adjust your emotions and resolve them with a smile?
Do you have a low level of trust in others, aside from your parents?
Abandoned Factory Personality Quiz
If a friend orders a dessert for you that you don't like, how would you respond?
Will you insist to pursue your dream even if your loved ones disagree?
If you found a lost wallet, what would you do?
How do you usually respond to people who treat you poorly?
Imagine a police officer staking out a criminal transaction. What do you think the criminal's first reaction would be when seeing the police?
When faced with the choice between truth and lies, what do you tend to choose?
Dating Reality Shows Survival Quiz