Which Instant Noodle Flavor Are You? Quiz
I tend to manipulate others to get my way.
I have lied to get my way.
I have used flattery to get my way.
I tend to exploit others for my own gain.
Which Instant Noodle Flavor Are You? Quiz
I have been told I lack empathy or remorse.
I tend not to be too concerned with morality.
I have been told that I'm insensitive.
I tend to be cynical.
Which Genie Will You Meet? Quiz
I need a lot of praise or admiration from others.
I need to be the center of attention.
I prefer to only befriend important people.
I have been referred to as "calculating."
Snowflake Test Quiz
Most people aren't deserving of basic respect.
I keep track of others' secrets in case I need to use them against the person in the future.
Only people who can help me in some way are worth getting to know.
What Kind of Eating Partner Are You? Quiz