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Men's Ideal Height Test


If you had to choose between how you rated on a height and attractiveness scale, what combination would you choose?

Extremely attractive but rather short.

Slightly attractive and only slightly short.

Not particularly attractive but reasonably tall.

Unattractive but very tall and with a figure that could kill.


Are you afraid of heights?

I'm not even game enough to imagine something high.

If it's not terribly high l can keep myself under control, but if it's really high, well...

I've never really experienced any fear of heights.

Fear of heights? Pff! Being up in the clouds is my greatest love.


How does your height compare to that of other people in your circle of friends?

I'm a soaring tower!

I'm short but robust!

Neither particularly short nor tall.


Currently, how satisfied are you about your height?

I'm perfectly satisfied and wouldn't change a thing.

Completely unsatisfied! l definitely think l should be much much taller.

On the whole I'm generally satisfied, but if l could be just a little taller that would be perfect.

Really unsatisfied! Why did I have to be this tall?!

I'm a little too tall but, overall, my height is acceptable.


What kind of height appeals to you most?

Someone who is tall, has a great body, and who is undeniably good looking.

Someone who's a cute little pixie or short and solid - big things come in small packages after all.

I don't care about this, most of the time l just look at the person's face.


How tall are your parents?

My mother and father are both giants, so naturally I've turned out the same way.

Both are fairly tall and by luck I've inherited the same gene.

One of them is somewhat short and unfortunately I've inherited that gene.

Neither could be considered tall. Agh... please don't bring this up again...


How high do you think the camera was at the time of taking this photo?

How high do you think the camera was at the time of taking this photo?

Below 300m



Above 700m


Estimate the height of the person in the picture.

Estimate the height of the person in the picture.

Under 4'11"

4'11" - 5'3"

5'3" - 5'7"

5'7" - 5'11"

Over 5'11"


Estimate the height of the person in the picture.

Estimate the height of the person in the picture.

Under 4'11"

4'11" - 5'3"

5'3" - 5'7"

5'7" - 5'11"

Over 5'11"


Estimate the height of the person in the picture.

Estimate the height of the person in the picture.