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What is Your True Birthstone Based on Your Personality?


If you had to choose a story-line for your own movie, what would you choose?

A dumb girl looks for her natural parents.

An American boy goes to China to learn martial arts.

A successful businessman dreams to be an adventurer.

An old woman vows to avenge her son.


Which of the following is the most difficult thing (or that cannot be accepted) for you?

Keeping your mind in a neutral position.

Someone criticizing you in public.

Catering to others' emotions and concerns.

Criticizing others directly.


If you had to choose one of the following questions to ask a stranger, which one would you choose?

“When was the last time you wet the bed?”

“Why would you say your last relationship ended?”

“Who are you most guilty about until now and why?”

“What one thing do you most regret about last year?”


After a 40-hour train journey, what is the first thing you may do when you get back home?

Sort out the luggage.


Eat something nice.

Take a shower.


If you are drawn by a limited version of a windcheater (light overcoat), but the only size available is a bit small for you, which would you do?

The size is not right, and so I won't buy it.

If it can be altered then I will buy it.

I won't buy it, but I will find a similar style windcheater and buy it.

I will buy it and I will try to lose weight.


Your best friend gives you a free ticket: which of the following activities would you choose?

Show: "Dance with Sharks".

Expedition: "Treasure-hunting in the Jungle".

Circus performance: "Trapeze".

Factory tour: "Chocolate Factory".


If you have to choose to date one of the following types of person, which one can't you stand (and so won't choose)?

A: Seeks freedom throughout life.

B: Everything is decided by his/her parents.

C: Makes money all the time, lacks any delight in life.

D: No economic stability.


Given the chance, which of the following would you choose to be?

A superstar.

A scientist.

A businessman/woman.

An adventurer.


What do you think is your greatest weakness in an intimate relationship?

Don't know how to express love and create surprises.

Feeling insecure all the time.

Always being impulsive or irritable.

Focus too much on self, rarely stop thinking.